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We’d love for you to join us for our gathering on Sundays at 10:00am.
Our team will be available to help check-in your kids and get them settled.
Then, we invite you to pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, find a seat, and take a deep breath.
Church is more than an hour gathering on a Sunday. Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a community sharing life around a table. Trailhead Home Churches are the primary way that we practice the way of Jesus, together, in our Valley.
Practicing the Way of Jesus
As disciples of Jesus, we make it our goal to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Through teaching, practice, community, and the Holy Spirit, we are learning what it means to be a disciple, or apprentice, of Jesus together.
As the family of God, we take time each week to eat together, pray together, and share life together. It is in this ordinary rhythm of life in community that we become transformed to look like Jesus.
In Our Valley
In our Trailhead Home Churches we practice the way of Jesus together to see His Kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven. As missionaries to our Valley and the world, we proclaim the good news of Jesus and do justice as we go about our everyday life.
The Evergreen Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Flathead County Sheriff Posse and local businesses to host a family-friendly event in the K-Mart parking lot on Saturday, October 29th, from noon – 3 pm. We’d love for you to join us at the event as we seek to bless our community!
K-Mart Parking Lot
Saturday, October 29, Noon – 3:00pm
For more info email [email protected]
Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.
Every Sunday after our morning gathering, many of us stick around for an extra 30 to 90 minutes to get to know each other better over a meal (and you are invited!) To keep it simple, just bring your lunch for you and your family and join us at the high-top tables in the lobby at 11:30.
Each month, we endeavor to bless our neighbors at Evergreen Elementary School by providing a meal or snack for the amazing teachers who serve our community so well.
If you would like to participate or learn more, please email Jimmy at [email protected]
If you (or someone you know) would like to be baptized, we would love to help make that happen! Email [email protected] to ask questions, learn more about what baptism is, or set a date for your baptism.
The Welcome to Trailhead class is for those new or curious to learn more about Trailhead Church. Over lunch, we share our stories and the story and mission of Trailhead. Classes take place monthly and are held after our morning gathering. To find out the next Welcome to Trailhead date, please email Grant at [email protected] and say you'd like to know more about Trailhead!